I was looking for something different to do with lentils and came up with this warm salad. It is loaded with veggies and has a tartness to it that complements...
The herbs in this dish can be changed to best complement whatever your main course is; try mint if served with lamb, dill with fish, and basil with roast...
I am asked for this recipe every time I make it! A sure hit for summer picnics, wedding luncheons, anytime! Easy to make and tastes great. Serve plain...
This vegetable dish makes a great accompaniment to the adobo chicken that is a favorite at Jimmy's Bronx Cafe in New York City. The recipe was shared with...
Over the years I've finally developed this salad that is perfect for the Dragon. Very versatile, add your own favorite touches. A meal for company lunch...
Whenever possible, buy vacuum-packed cooked lentils (available in many supermarkets); if using the canned variety, be sure to drain and thoroughly rinse...
A colorful and crunchy salad that you can make up in advance and eat over several days -- great for singles on the run and colorful and unusual at dinner...
If you can't find mache (lamb's lettuce), you can substitute endive leaves in this peppery side arugula salad that's the perfect accompaniment to Lemon-Thyme...
This Cucumber Salad with Melody Thomas Scott recipe is an update to a classic cucumber salad. It's adapted from Janet Laurence's "A Little Scandinavian...
A good salad for entertaining is one that can be made ahead and enjoyed at room temperature. This dandelion green salad is studded with sweet roasted onions...
Whole parsley leaves add brightness to this crunchy Mediterranean salad. If you like,boost the flavor even more with our version of Za'atar, a Middle Eastern...
Thai red rice and French green lentils, both full of nutrition, make for a healthy salad with a crunchy texture and nutty yet delicate flavor. This salad...
A Mexican restaurant I used to go served this dish. I came up with what I think is their recipe or close to it. It's awesome and a different take on traditional...
Dainty shredded-wheat "nests" are filled with a colorful salad of tomatoes, mozzarella, and green beans. Handle these nests very carefully, since they're...
Generally, when they talk about salad, you imagine a bowl full of lettuce and if you are not a vegetable lover, you may not be thrilled when you have to...